Sunday, January 18, 2009

FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act) means no freedom for all!

The crew knows that through contacts and involvement in different ministries I am able to participate in Mass at different churches in my area. Today, I had the pleasure of hearing a homily that was both prudent to say and wonderful to the ear and soul of the human person. The priest spoke on the two reading today (1Samuel 3:3b – 10; 19 and 1 Corinthians 6:13c – 15a, 17 – 20) and how God is calling us to service. He used the analogy of the cell phone, which most of us have now a days and our ability to look at the phone and know who is trying to communicate with us. It also gives us an option to speak with that person, or put them to voice mail and maybe listen to it later.
The priest went on to say, if God was calling would we answer the call, or let it go to voice mail so we can get a good night’s sleep. In his homily, he moved from our responsibility to be a servant of God (Here I am Lord, I’ve come to do your will) to our responsibility to promote life and the support of the Right to Life movement and the devastating effects that FOCA will bring to our great country. His statement was FOCA (the Freedom of Choice Act) is really NO FREEDOM FOR ALL. This act will strip away our ability to provide health and welfare services to human beings in a way that stays true to our beliefs and moral values as a Catholic Church. This act takes dead aim at our hospitals, orphanages, adoption agencies, Right to Life services that the Catholic Church provides in a loving and caring way. FOCA will take away funding and aid because we hold a different and higher value on life and moral standards. He went on to say, “How does this Act stand up to our American creed of Home of the free and land of the brave. Where are the guiding principles found in the Declaration of Independence where it states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness?
For a country that seemingly prides itself on ridding discrimination, it will actively discriminate against people who believe that life at any stage is valuable and important not only to society, but to our salvation as a people. I highly encourage you to read the article provided by the link to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ campaign to oppose FOCA. Pray on it and use your right as an American citizen to write your public officials stating your opposition to this un-American and devastating law.

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